Saturday, February 27, 2016

seo guide

This document first began as an effort to help teams within Google, but we thought it'd be just as useful to webmasters that are new to the topic of search engine optimization and wish to improve their sites' interaction with both users and search engines. Although this guide won't tell you any secrets that'll automatically rank your site first for queries in Google (sorry!), following the best practices outlined below will make it easier for search engines to crawl, index and understand your content. Search engine optimization is often about making small modifications to parts of your website. When viewed individually, these changes might seem like incremental improvements, but when combined with other optimizations, they could have a noticeable impact on your site's user experience and performance in organic search results. You're likely already familiar with many of the topics in this guide, because they're essential ingredients for any web page, but you may not be making the most out of them. Even though this guide's title contains the words "search engine", we'd like to say that you should base your optimization decisions first and foremost on what's best for the visitors of your site. They're the main consumers of your content and are using search engines to find your work. Focusing too hard on specific tweaks to gain ranking in the organic results of search engines may not deliver the desired results. Search engine optimization is about putting your site's best foot forward when it comes to visibility in search engines, but your ultimate consumers are your users, not search engines. Your site may be smaller or larger than our example site and offer vastly different content, but the optimization topics we discuss below should apply to sites of all sizes and types. We hope our guide gives you some fresh ideas on how to improve your website, and we'd love to hear your questions, feedback, and success stories in the Google Webmaster Help Forum

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Friday, February 26, 2016

Steps to a Google-friendly site

Things to do

Our Webmaster Guidelines provide general design, technical, and quality guidelines. Below are more detailed tips for creating a Google-friendly site.

Give visitors the information they're looking for

Provide high-quality content on your pages, especially your homepage. This is the single most important thing to do. If your pages contain useful information, their content will attract many visitors and entice webmasters to link to your site. In creating a helpful, information-rich site, write pages that clearly and accurately describe your topic. Think about the words users would type to find your pages and include those words on your site.

Make sure that other sites link to yours

Links help our crawlers find your site and can give your site greater visibility in our search results. When returning results for a search, Google uses sophisticated text-matching techniques to display pages that are both important and relevant to each search. Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote by page A for page B. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages "important."
Keep in mind that our algorithms can distinguish natural links from unnatural links. Natural links to your site develop as part of the dynamic nature of the web when other sites find your content valuable and think it would be helpful for their visitors. Unnatural links to your site are placed there specifically to make your site look more popular to search engines. Some of these types of links (such as link schemes and doorway pages) are covered in our Webmaster Guidelines.
Only natural links are useful for the indexing and ranking of your site.

Make your site easily accessible

Build your site with a logical link structure. Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link.
Use a text browser, such as Lynx, to examine your site. Most spiders see your site much as Lynx would. If features such as JavaScript, cookies, session IDs, frames, DHTML, or Macromedia Flash keep you from seeing your entire site in a text browser, then spiders may have trouble crawling it.

Things to avoid

Don't fill your page with lists of keywords, attempt to "cloak" pages, or put up "crawler only" pages. If your site contains pages, links, or text that you don't intend visitors to see, Google considers those links and pages deceptive and may ignore your site.
Don't feel obligated to purchase a search engine optimization service. Some companies claim to "guarantee" high ranking for your site in Google's search results. While legitimate consulting firms can improve your site's flow and content, others employ deceptive tactics in an attempt to fool search engines. Be careful; if your domain is affiliated with one of these deceptive services, it could be banned from our index.
Don't use images to display important names, content, or links. Our crawler doesn't recognize text contained in graphics. Use ALT attributes if the main content and keywords on your page can't be formatted in regular HTML.
Don't create multiple copies of a page under different URLs. Many sites offer text-only or printer-friendly versions of pages that contain the same content as the corresponding graphic-rich pages. If your site has identical content that can be reached via different URLs, there are several ways of indicating the canonical (preferred) version of a page. More information about canonicalization.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

SEO Tools List That are Mostly Use

With internet evolving at such a rapid rate, it has become imperative to make use of the SEO and get our website ranked in the search results. With the help of SEO Tools sites list you can eventually get to know it all.

The fact that search engine optimization strategies have evolved over the past few years, and it has become the need of hour to stay updated with these strategies, it becomes important that you have a portal where you can get the entire information clubbed under one roof. Search online and you will find that there is ‘n’ number of results for the same. However, not all of them can work for your optimization strategies.

So, where can you get them all? Well, this is the reason that I have tried my bit to bring in front of you the best SEO tools sites list that anyone can use and make the most of their internet marketing strategies.

This SEO tools site list has been created with sincere hard work and efforts put to gather the best information in the market that can help others to avoid problems which I had to face when I was growing up in the SEO market. So, take a look and make use of the list.
  1. Websites
1Plagiarism CheckerTo Check your content its unique or not
2Article RewriterTo Rewrite Yours Article
3Open Multiple UrlsTo open More than sites by putting in this tool
4Keyword PositionTo check Possition of yours website keywords on google, bing and yahoo

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Anchor Text Theory Of SEO

Anchor Text
Anchor Text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. In modern browsers, it is often blue and underlined, such as this link to the moz homepage
Code Sample
<a href="">Example Anchor Text</a>
Optimal Format
SEO-friendly anchor text is succinct and relevant to the target page.
What is Anchor Text?
Anchor text is the visible characters and words that hyperlinks display when linking to another document or location on the web. In the phrase "CNN is a good source of news, but I actually prefer the BBC's take on events," two unique pieces of anchor text exist for two different links: "CNN" is the anchor text pointing to, while “the BBC's take on events” points to
Search engines use this text to help determine the subject matter of the linked-to document. In the example above, the links would tell the search engine that when users search for "CNN", thinks that is a relevant site for the term "CNN" and that is relevant to “the BBC's take on events.” If many sites think that a particular page is relevant for a given set of terms, that page can manage to rank well even if the terms NEVER appear in the text itself.
Link Anatomy
In the example above, "Jon Wye's Custom Designed Belts" would be the anchor text of this link.
SEO Best Practice
As search engines have matured, they have started identifying more metrics for determining rankings. One metric that stood out among the rest was link relevancy. Link relevancy is determined by both the content of the source page and the content of the anchor text. It is a natural phenomenon that occurs when people link out to other content on the web.
This is most easily understood with an example. Imagine that someone writes a blog about whiteboard markers. Ever inclined to learn more about their passion, they spend part of their day reading what other people online have to say about whiteboard markers. Now imagine that while reading on their favorite topic, the dry erase marker enthusiast finds an article about the psychological effects of marker color choice. Excited, she goes back to her website to blog about the article so her friends can read about it.
When she writes the blog post and links to the article, she gets to choose the anchor text for the link pointing at the article. She could choose something like “click here,” but more likely, she will choose something that it is relevant to the article. In this case, she chooses “psychological effects of marker color choice.” Someone else who links to the same article might use the link anchor text, "marker color choice and its effect on the brain."
This human–powered information is essential to modern-day search engines. The search engines can use it to determine what the target page is about and thus, which queries it should be relevant for. These descriptions are relatively unbiased and produced by real people. This metric, in combination with complicated natural language processing, makes up the lion's share of link relevancy indicators online.
Other important link relevancy indicators are link sources and information hierarchy. For example, the search engines can also use the fact that someone linked to the whiteboard marker article from a blog about whiteboard markers to supplement their algorithm's understanding of the given page's relevancy. Similarly, the engines can use the fact that the original article was located at the URL to determine the high-level positioning and relevancy of the content.
With the Penguin update, Google began to look more closely at keywords in anchor text. If too many of a site's inbound links contain the exact same anchor text, it can start to appear suspicious, and is often a sign that the links weren’t acquired naturally. In general, it’s still a best practice to obtain keyword– and topic–specific anchor text when possible. However, SEOs may get better results by striving for a variety of anchor text rather than the same keyword each time.
Key Points:
  • If many links point to a page with the right keywords in their anchor text, that page has a very good chance of ranking well. Real examples of this include the search engine result pages for the queries, "click here" and "leave." Many of the Google results for these queries rank solely due to the anchor text of inbound links.
  • People have a tendency to link to content using the anchor text of either the domain name or the title of the page. This is an advantage to SEOs who include keywords they want to rank for in these two elements.
  • Too many inbound links to a page with the exact same keyword-rich anchor text may cause Google to scrutinize that site’s link profile more closely; using manipulative methods to acquire keyword–rich anchor text is not recommended.
Importance of the First Anchor Text
Moz experiments have shown that if two links are targeting the same URL, only the anchor text used in the first link is counted by Google.
First Anchor Text Counts
More recently, several webmasters have run experiments showing ways to count multiple anchor text phrases contained on the same page and pointing to the same target. This is accomplished by creating anchors on the target page and linking to those anchors using hashtags, such as the way Moz links to blog post comments:
<a href="../blog/example-post#jtc142864">Second Anchor Text</a>
Related Tools
  • MozBar
    The MozBar SEO toolbar lets you see relevant metrics in your browser as you surf the web.
  • Open Site Explorer
    Open Site Explorer is a free tool that gives webmasters the ability to analyze up to 10,000 links to any site or page on the web via the Mozscape web index.
External Resources
  • The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine
    The original PageRank algorithm research paper written by Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
  • Webmaster Guidelines
    Google's Official Guidelines for Webmasters.
  • Text Links and PageRank
    Head of the Webspam Team at Google, Matt Cutts', thoughts on hyperlinks in relation to SEO and Google.
Related Guides

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Top 3 SEO mistakes that can crash your rankings

Top 3 SEO mistakes:

SEO is an essential blogging campaign if implemented in the right way. It is overwhelming but intricate. So, you need to decide “what to do” and what not to do” to drive your web page at the top of organic results.

Lets us take a look at some common SEO mistakes that can hinder your website ranking on search engines:

  •  Ignoring the power Backlinks:

According to Search engine ranking factors study, it is clear backlinks is one the most important factor that can influence rankings. The three chief characteristics of a top ranking profile are the total number of backlinks, quality of backlinks, and usage of relevant anchor texts. Thus, you need to make sure that your link provides value to another website’s visitor and adds quality to the website content. Moreover, you will not have access to control what anchor text another site will use for your website. But the traditional way to do is by getting press in well-read and prominent sites.

However, make sure you do not get back links from same anchor text over and over as it can hurt your rankings, or worse, get you penalized.

  • Underestimating the value of content:

A SEO expert says adding content to a website is a powerful strategy and essential part of your SEO campaign in 2016. However, it is necessary to add only add “useful content” that brings both engagement and relevance.It is important because regurgitated content is one of the factors of losing hold on rankings. Quick formula for creating an amazing and traffic worthy content is to use awesome headlines along with supporting images and stats.

  • Yes! Keyword stuffing is part of the equation 

Keyword stuffing is one of the most unethical ways that can crash your search rankings drastically. 

So, if you want to rank your keywords, create separate pages for every keyword and optimize it accordingly. 


There are many SEO tactics that can be used to increase your rankings. However, you need to be careful while choosing them. Just understand SEO is a long process, if you stay committed in a right way, you won’t lag behind.


Google Testing New Search Impact Feature in Webmaster Tool


Google has introduced a new Search Impact feature in webmaster tools. Currently this feature is released in Alpha version, available only to a certain set of webmasters for testing. I have access to this feature. In this post i will talk about these new features and share screenshots.
The Search Impact option is currently located under Search Queries in webmaster tool navigation.
Search Impact
You can analyze the data with the help of Dimensions and Metrics.
  • Metric– a quantitative measurement of a site’s performance on search
Example: Clicks, Impression , CTR and Average Position
  • Dimension– Data which is recorded for each impression so we can segment the metrics along a particular axis.
Example: Data , Query, Page, Country, Device, Search
Dimensions and Metrics

Report by Date:

You can select date range to view the data, at the same time you can compare data between different date ranges. You can see data comparison graphs side by side. This will make it easy to compare and analyze the data.
Report By Date

Compare data between countries:

You can compare data between different countries. This is very useful when you want to target your audience to certain countries, you can find that where you are performing better. Where there are more chances of traffic growth. You can also analyze if your impressions and clicks are coming from your target country.

Report by Devices:

You can also see different metrics across different devices. In addition to that you can compare the data across devices.
Apart from above discussed options you can also view data by Queries dimensions, by Pages, and again you can compare data in any dimension against the selected metric(s)


According to information revealed by Google, this Alpha version has some of the following known limitations:
  • No ability to use filters by dimensions “Queries” or “Pages” as a result there is no capability to see top-URLs for query or top-queries for a URL
  • The URL of the Search Impact report doesn’t currently hold the state so you can’t reload / send / share deep links.
  • No download button
  • No favorites selection
  • No breakdown by position
  • No capability to filter queries with >10 clicks / impressions
  • No breakdown by dimension “Search”
  • No more than two metrics can be selected out of the four (Clicks, Impressions,CTR, Average Position). If two metrics are selected, user needs to deselect one of them before he can select another.
Google will further improve this feature based on the feedback that will be provided by the set of webmasters, whom Google has allowed to test this feature.


Monday, February 22, 2016

quotation of seo

SEO is an acronym for "search engine optimization" or "search engine optimizer." Deciding to hire an SEO is a big decision that can potentially improve your site and save time, but you can also risk damage to your site and reputation. Make sure to research the potential advantages as well as the damage that an irresponsible SEO can do to your site. Many SEOs and other agencies and consultants provide useful services for website owners, including:
  • Review of your site content or structure
  • Technical advice on website development: for example, hosting, redirects, error pages, use of JavaScript
  • Content development
  • Management of online business development campaigns
  • Keyword research
  • SEO training
  • Expertise in specific markets and geographies.
Keep in mind that the Google search results page includes organic search results and often paid advertisement (denoted as "Ads" or "Sponsored") as well. Advertising with Google won't have any effect on your site's presence in our search results. Google never accepts money to include or rank sites in our search results, and it costs nothing to appear in our organic search results. Free resources such as Search Console, the official Webmaster Central blog, and our discussion forum can provide you with a great deal of information about how to optimize your site for organic search.
Before beginning your search for an SEO, it's a great idea to become an educated consumer and get familiar with how search engines work. We recommend starting here:
If you're thinking about hiring an SEO, the earlier the better. A great time to hire is when you're considering a site redesign, or planning to launch a new site. That way, you and your SEO can ensure that your site is designed to be search engine-friendly from the bottom up. However, a good SEO can also help improve an existing site.

Further more Visit:
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Some useful questions to ask an SEO include:
  • Can you show me examples of your previous work and share some success stories?
  • Do you follow the Google Webmaster Guidelines?
  • Do you offer any online marketing services or advice to complement your organic search business?
  • What kind of results do you expect to see, and in what timeframe? How do you measure your success?
  • What's your experience in my industry?
  • What's your experience in my country/city?
  • What's your experience developing international sites?
  • What are your most important SEO techniques?
  • How long have you been in business?
  • How can I expect to communicate with you? Will you share with me all the changes you make to my site, and provide detailed information about your recommendations and the reasoning behind them?

Sunday, February 21, 2016

seocourse content in kathmandu at openeyesit

Basics for SEO

What is Domain 
Basic Knowledge of World Wide Web 
Difference between Portal and Search Engines 
What is SEO 
Types of SEO Techniques 
Black hat techniques 
White Hat techniques 
How Search Engine works

SEO Research & Analysis

Market Research 
Keyword Research and Analysis 
Keyword opportunity 
Competitors Website Analysis 
SWOT Analysis of Website 
How to Choose Best Keywords 
Tools available for Keyword Research

Website Design SEO Guidelines

Content Research 
Content Guidelines 
Content Optimization 
Design & Layout 
XML Sitemap / URL List Sitemap

On-page Optimization

The Page Title 
Meta Descriptions & Meta Keywords 
Bold Text 
Domain Names & Suggestions 
Canonical Tag 
Meta Tags 
Images and Alt Text 
Internal Link Building 
The Sitemap 
Invisible Text 
Server and Hosting Check 
Robots Meta Tag 
Doorway Pages 
301 Redirects 
404 Error 
Duplicate content

Off-page Optimization

Page Rank 
Link Popularity 
Link Building in Detail 
Directory Submission 
Social Bookmark Submission 
Blog Submission 
Links Exchange 
Reciprocal Linking 
Posting to Forums 
Submission to Search Engine 
RSS Feeds Submissions 
Press Release Submissions 
Forum Link Building 
Competitor Link Analysis


Google Analytics 
Installing Google Analytics 
How to Study Google Analytics 
Interpreting Bars & Figures 
How Google Analytics can Help SEO 
Advanced Reporting 
Webmaster Central & Bing/Yahoo 
Open Site Explorer 
Website Analysis using various SEO Tools available

SEO Tools

Keyword Density Analyzer Tools 
Google Tools 
Yahoo / Bing Tools 
Rich Snippet Text Tools 
Comparison Tools 
Link Popularity Tools 
Search Engines Tools 
Site Tools 
Miscellaneous Tools

SEO Reporting

Google analysis 
Tracking and Reporting 
Reports Submission 
Securing Ranks